A review blog for the plus size!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Message ....

A dilemma that I have noticed recurring through many blog shops these days seems to be that the buyers tend to go MIA! On behalf of the blog owners, I would like to gently remind the online shoppers out there that you should always let the blog owners know if you'd like a particular item to be reserved and have the courtesy to let the blog owner know if you wish to cancel the reservation. I am pretty sure that they will not scold you or shout at you for canceling the reservation.

You see, the blog owners face a situation here. For most blogs, they do not set a time limit for the reservation for your convenience. Even those that do, tend to be very compromising because they know it's sometimes not so easy to make payments (although you should be telling them if you need more time instead of leaving them guessing ;)). Now, if they were to release the reservation and then you come back and complain that the item is no longer available, who's to blame? On the other hand, if the item was to be kept reserved for you indefinitely, the blog owners may miss a chance of selling the item to another interested party! So have a heart eh?

Online shopping can be a tricky business, so let us practice some common courtesy!

Some guidelines for blog owners out there.

1) If you have no choice, set a deadline. Items will be automatically unreserved unless the buyer contacts you for an extension.

2) If the buyer does not explicitly mention the word 'reserve'. Then just treat the enquiry as what it is, just an enquiry! or always ask them 'Would you like me to reserve this for you'

3) Do let me know if you have this problem and would like it to be highlighted here.

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